Sunday, September 2, 2012

Takes The Dead Skin Right Off...

As I write this, I am sitting on the couch feeding a newborn, with my feet covered in shaving cream and wrapped in a listerine/warm water soaked towel...and yes it's just as precarious of a situation as it sounds. Why am I doing this? Well as large as my cankles were at the end of a summer pregnancy, the only thing I could fit my feet into were cheap flip flops, and I got dry heels, and there's a pin for that!

I don't use shaving cream so I had to spring for a tavel size bottle...Gillette Satin Care shaving gel $.97. I already had Listerine (the purple one) so this is a super cheap pin. I also added an husband to help me judge the effectiveness of this pin.

aside: a lot of these "cheap" DIY pins involve buying a lot of very expensive stuff! Do you know how expensive scrapbook paper is???

I'll admit I didn't have the scaliest feet so my apologies if you don't feel the pictures are that great. Here's what I was starting with. I was lotioning my feet everyday and the dry line on the edge of my heel would never go away even when lotioned.

I lathered both feet up with the shaving cream....

I soaked my towels in my water/listerine solution. (I used 1 cup water/1 cup of listerine...I don't want to use ALL my listerine on this experiment) Then I wrapped the towels pretty tightly around each foot to ensure good contact...

I sat here for a half an hour and organized my pin boards and pins, fed the baby, and started this post while my feet sort of tingled...

(I don't have a picture of this)

I removed the towels and per directions scrubbed my feet with the towel...but did not see dry skin or discoloration come off (disapointment there) so I decided to go rouge...I used a pumice stone to lightly scrub my heels and feet. I don't usually use pumice stones because they always seem to make the problem worse in the end...but this time I had the Listerine/Shaving cream miracle....

I put lotion on and dried my feet per says if you don't you could get bacteria growing...which strikes me as odd since you just used Listerine on your feet and it kills all the germs in your mouth. Then I had my inspector come and take a look. His comment "They are soft and look good and the cracked stuff looks gone". They are soft...and they feel VERY minty fresh. Let's hope it holds.

UPDATE 1 HOUR LATER: My feet are starting to get dry again...very dry...overall more dry than before...this always happens when you (I) scrub my feet with things (is it just me?) so I am lotioning again...going to keep lotioning until feet stay moisturized.

Takes The Dead Skin Right Off (link to original directions)

1 comment:

  1. Have you found anything that works for the "dry line" on the edge of your heel? I have that too. Lotion and vaseline every day.. pumice stone just makes it sensitive!
